Re: [hatari-devel] SCSI Driver logging improvement

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Hi Eero,

Thank you for elaborating on this.

> Logged messages should state from which subsystem they come from.  E.g. 
> consistent subsystem prefix makes things easier to filter & read.

I see. Can you please add the missing prefix?
> > @Eero You recommended to use git format last time. I did, but I don't see
> > any advantage. Neither my name nor my comment are part of the patch. Can you
> > please be more precise on the options I should use, and how I can create the
> > required format without having to locally commit my changes first?
> You need to do commit(s) first.

But I don't want to commit these changes to my local repository, because
they are just temporary. After the Hatari team has committed them I cannot
simply pull the changes anymore. Unless I create a throwaway branch for
this, which is a bit inconvenient, because this branch is not even used for
creating a PR. I just noticed that you also suggest this approach in your

> If your name/email are missing from ~/.gitconfig, git tells (command) to 
> add those first.

No they are not missing from .gitconfig. I wonder why the format generated
with git format is better for you. You still have to extract my commit
comment and my name from the email, don't you?

Best regards


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