Re: [hatari-devel] Recent symbolic keyboard mapping change

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On Sun, 6 Oct 2024 at 23:33, Brad Smith <rainwarrior@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There are 3 ST keys which have no no obvious correspondence to a modern French keyboard, ref:

1. ST $0D (-_)
2. ST $29 (`£)
3. ST $2B (#|@~)

My opinion is that these 3 should by mapped to 3 keys commonly accessible to French keyboard users. I do not care which 3 specifically should be chosen, the ones I made are just a suggestion. A French user will have a more valid opinion than mine. My goal is just to raise this as an issue.

When I said that SDLK_UNDERSCORE (which you noted is already mapped to ST $0D) is not available on the French keyboard
Excuse me if I'm asking something obvious but why do you guys insist on solving this on the keycode level? French, as many other national variants, use various input methods to get the desired character AltGr+<key>, Alt+<ASCII code on the keypad> etc) so why not just take the final text representation and compare that with the ST symbols? AFAIK SDL provides "text" representation as part of the SDL event, so why not just take that string and let the user handle the input method by the OS?


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