Re: [hatari-devel] Code execution on reset within the emulated Atari

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On Freitag, 19. Juli 2024 11:45:37 CEST Thomas Huth wrote:

> Is the "RESET" 68k CPU instruction called in that case?

Should be so (for TOS 3.06)


[00e00000] 602e                      bra.s     _main


[00e00030] 46fc 2700                 move.w    #$2700,sr

[00e00034] 31fc 0100 8606            move.w    #$0100,(DMA_CTRL).w

[00e0003a] 31fc 0000 8606            move.w    #$0000,(DMA_CTRL).w

[00e00040] 4e70                      reset

For 2.06


[00e00000] 602e                      bra.s     $00E00030


[00e00030] 46fc 2700                 move.w    #$2700,sr

[00e00034] 4e70                      reset

For 1.04:


[00fc0000] 602e                      bra.s     $00FC0030


[00fc0030] 46fc 2700                 move.w    #$2700,sr

[00fc0034] 4e70                      reset

For EmuTOS:


    bra.s   _main       // branch to _main


        bra.w   _realmain   // MUST be 4 bytes long


  // some checking for valid memory confguration, then


        // we are not on Falcon, a simple reset is enough


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