Re: [hatari-devel] Code execution on reset within the emulated Atari

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On 19/07/2024 11.18, Uwe Seimet wrote:

I would like to resolve a minor issue related to the SCSI Driver for Hatari.
When you reset the Atari within the emulation (by calling os_start in SYSHDR)
SCSI Driver handles in nf_scsidrv.c may still be open. With a real Atari
there is no need to close a handle before a reset, because the reset
implicitly clears the handles.
Is there any way to execute code in nf_scsidrv.c when os_start is called,
i.e. when the Atari is *internally* reset?

Is the "RESET" 68k CPU instruction called in that case? If so, you could maybe hook your code into the customreset() function in hatari-glue.c ?


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