Re: [hatari-devel] Joystick dialog crashes with Ubuntu 24.04

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Le 05/07/2024 à 16:00, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

User is reporting that opening SDL GUI Joystick dialog crashes Hatari, on Lubuntu 24.04:

Is anybody here using some Ubuntu 24.04 variant?   And if yes, can you reproduce the issue?

I took a quick look at the related code, and it's possible that SDL Joystick name query may get given invalid struct address if SDL reports error or no joysticks, or user has invalid joystick mapping in his config file.

Attached patch will hopefully handle such issues.  Any comments on it?

     - Eero


can't reproduce the crash when no joystick is plugged, but I'm not using ubuntu + I'm using sdl 2.30 and not 2.2 as the user reported.

If user can compile hatari himself (should be rather easy under linux/ubuntu), maybe he could try first to add some printf's (that you would provide) to see what param gets a wrong value ?


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