Re: [hatari-devel] SCU/VME register access?

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Le 14/06/2024 à 11:13, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Btw. that's not the only problem.

Hatari emulation has also some issues with MMU + data-cache emulation, which according to Toni, do not happen under WinUAE for m68k-linux on Amiga.

User-space programs crash when data-cache emulation is enabled (e.g. init, which causes kernel panic).

It would be nice to verify that it really does not happen on real HW, either with Falcon, or after Nicolas fixes SCU emulation, on TT.  That will require use of a root file system though, so it's something that could be done after other Linux kernel boot issues (which are easier to debug) have been fixed.


When I run the linux kernel you sent with

--ide-master klibc-rootfs.img

linux boot to busy box and I can run 'ls' for example

but when I run with the other image

--ide-master bb-rootfs.img

it also boots to busy box, but running 'ls' or any command gives a 'segmentation fault'

do you know why ? what's the difference between these 2 img ?

Is that what you mean with "User-space programs crash when data-cache emulation is enabled" or is this another scenario ?


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