Re: [hatari-devel] SCU/VME register access?

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Le 11/06/2024 à 20:51, Thomas Huth a écrit :


using the linux image you sent me, I ran hatari with :

hatari  --machine tt --tos tos306fr.img --dsp off --fpu 68882 --mmu on
-s 14 --ttram 64 --addr24 off -c lilo.cfg --lilo "debug=nfcon
root=/dev/ram ro init=/init" --trace vme

then I see (this is a work in progress version with SCU support)

scu write sys_int mask ff8e01=0x10 pc=3aa022
scu write vme_int mask ff8e0d=0x60 pc=3aa028

writing 0x10 at ff8e01 allows vsync interrupt (but not hsync), but then
the linux boot shows lots of line "unexpected interrupt from 112". And
112 is 0x70, which is VBL interrupt.

so it's strange that linux allows vsync interrupt but then shows some
errors about interrupt 112 (and in the source code at
it says vbl is enabled for the cursor)

Just a blind guess, but is there maybe something wrong with the VBR
emulation in Hatari?

Linux sets up the table to a different location in RAM:

I will have a look, but this is strange. See my notes below :

1) in sys_int mask is set to 0x10 to allows vsync int, but no handler is set for the level 4 interrupt.
On the contrary for falcon, they set :

             vectors[VEC_INT2] = falcon_hblhandler;
             vectors[VEC_INT4] = falcon_hblhandler;

(this basically does just a RTE after disabling HBL int in SR)

2) m68k_irq_startup_irq can change vectors[] and is called 3 times, but only with irq nbr 0xf, 0xc and 0xd (FDC, timerD and timerC), not with irq nbr 4 (which would install auto_inthandler for this irq nbr)

3) in trap_init at all vectors are set by default to bad_inthandler. and bad_inthandler is called when the VBL triggers :

VBL=69 clock=36875019 e_clock_jitter=1
cpu exception 28 currpc 48cbc buspc 48cb8 newpc 2518 fault_e3 0 op_e3 0 addr_e3 0 SR 2204
cpu video_cyc= 331 331@ 0 36875035 : 00002518 42a7 clr.l -(a7) == $00369f40 [*00048c4e]

4) Nowhere else in the code do I see that VEC_INT4 is used to set its vector (except in Falcon case). Maybe there's a not so explicit case that changes vectors[VEC_INT4], but I don't see it

When VBL occurs we see it calls bad_inthandler that was set in 3), and not some random handler, so I think VBR is correctly used.

All in all, it seems that the code enable vsync in TT mode but doesn't replace bad_inthandler with another valid handler.

I guess this linux version was tested on real TT by their author, or not ? (comment at top of arch/m68k/atari/ataints.c mentions the most recent changes were about TT SCU)

I think that adding a line in atari/ataints.c would set a correct handler

		/* init the SCU if present */
		tt_scu.sys_mask = 0x10;		/* enable VBL (for the cursor) and
									 * disable HSYNC interrupts (who
									 * needs them?)  MFP and SCC are
									 * enabled in VME mask
		tt_scu.vme_mask = 0x60;		/* enable MFP and SCC ints */
+		vectors[VEC_INT4] = falcon_hblhandler;
	} else {

Of course it could be a (stupid) emulation issue that I don't see, but I don't know what I'm missing.

Eero, just in case, could you build an updated kernel with the above line added for the SCU part in atari/ataints.c line 302 ? So I could test with my new SCU code.


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