Re: [hatari-devel] big icon file for macOS ?

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Le 30/03/2024 à 08:06, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:30:22 -0400
schrieb Brad Smith <rainwarrior@xxxxxxxxx>:

Mac standards do require a 1024x1024 icon these days.

If you used nearest neighbour upscaling instead of the interpolated large
images, they would probably compress a lot smaller, though.

That sounds like a good idea ... I had a quick try with the "png2icns" tool
and converted the pngs from our "share" folder into the icns format, and
that results in a .icns file with the size of 721658 bytes. Still quite a
bit, but way better than the current one. Shall I go ahead and push that
file to the repository?


I think you can push it, as long as all the size are still the same, it shouldn't break anything.

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