[hatari-devel] big icon file for macOS ?

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while looking at the macOS files, I noticed there's a 1.7 MB icons file Hatari.icns

I know disk is cheap, but still this looks rather big for just an 'H' icon. Inside we see :

icns2png -l hatari-snapshot/Hatari.app/Contents/Resources/Hatari.icns
Reading icns family from hatari-snapshot/Hatari.app/Contents/Resources/Hatari.icns...
 Extracting icons from /Hatari.icns...
 Icon family size is 1731084 bytes (including 8 byte header)
 Listing icon elements...
  'ic08' 256x256 32-bit icon (262144 bytes compressed to 92878)
  'ic09' 512x512 32-bit icon (1048576 bytes compressed to 296831)
  'ic10' 1024x1024 32-bit icon (4194304 bytes compressed to 898034)
libicns: icns_get_image_info_for_type: Unable to parse icon type 'ic11'
  'ic11' 0x0 0-bit (3112 bytes)
libicns: icns_get_image_info_for_type: Unable to parse icon type 'ic12'
  'ic12' 0x0 0-bit (9224 bytes)
libicns: icns_get_image_info_for_type: Unable to parse icon type 'ic13'
  'ic13' 0x0 0-bit (92878 bytes)
libicns: icns_get_image_info_for_type: Unable to parse icon type 'ic14'
  'ic14' 0x0 0-bit (296831 bytes)
  'il32' 32x32 32-bit icon (4096 bytes compressed to 1633)
  'is32' 16x16 32-bit icon (1024 bytes compressed to 427)
  'it32' 128x128 32-bit icon (65536 bytes compressed to 21448)
  'l8mk' 32x32 8-bit mask (1024 bytes)
libicns: icns_get_image_info_for_type: Unable to parse icon type 'name'
  'name' 0x0 0-bit (4 bytes)
  's8mk' 16x16 8-bit mask (256 bytes)
  't8mk' 128x128 8-bit mask (16384 bytes)

Some tags are not parsed correctly, but we can see there're some big icons :
 256x256	 92 KB
 512x512	296 KB
 1024x1024	890 KB

Screen have high resolution nowadays, but even on 4K, do we need such big icons ? Especially 512x512 and 1024x1024 seem a little overkill.

If you extract all the icons with icns2png, you will even see that size over 128 are some kind of blurry upscaled version, barely readable.

Or are all this size required by macOS ? (but I would guess it can interpolate bigger icons from smaller one if needed)


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