Re: [hatari-devel] unexpected output of 'm' with count or range in debugger -> [OT] creating a new thread

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On 2/29/24 04:28, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 25/02/2024 à 22:04, J.Young a écrit :



just a small request to keep the discussions easier to follow on the mailing list, when you want to create a new discussion, please don't do "reply" to the latest mail you saw (in that case "video freq set to 60 Hz instead of 50 Hz for Falcon VGA") and then changing the subject to your new discussion.

because in that case your new topic will still be linked to the previous thread of mails (about falcon VGA) and it mixes the discussion (most modern mail reader will use the "reference" header in the mail to link mails together)

Instead, create a new mail to the mailing list (don't do "reply") with your new subject and it will be correctly referenced after that.

Thanks, and sorry for nitpicking ;-)


Hello, yes of course, I will do that.  Had no idea the previous threads were getting mixed together, my apologizes and thanks for making me aware of that.  Today I learned about the "References" header :).


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