Re: [hatari-devel] Minus key is mapped to / in Hatari when using KEYMAP_SYMBOL

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On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 1:49 AM Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm not sure whether that will work reliable. EmuTOS and MiNT for example have much more different keyboard configurations than TOS, and in MiNT atleast you can even redefine those mappings because they are loaded from keyboard.tbl at runtime.

It's really a mapping from the SDL keyboard interface to each language of ST keyboard, so the mapping should be appropriate to any emulated OS intended for the selected emulated keyboard. The TOS region is just a means to automatically select the appropriate keyboard, though we could also provide the option to override the automatic symbolic keyboard mapping with a choice of language for it.

This is not removing the existing scancode mapping option, if you have a custom scancode mapping definition for MiNT you probably still would want to use a custom scancode mapping for Hatari. My proposal is not taking away that capability, it's important to be able to fully customize it as always.

The goal is just to make initial configuration simpler for the majority. Requiring fewer people to need to customize keyboard mappings before Hatari is usable to them.

This should be able to work well for all languages EmuTOS supports. I've implemented 6 of them so far. I don't know how to set up MiNT with Hatari for testing, but it should work with the standard hardware keyboard layouts if Hatari's "countrycode" detection matches the correct layout.

 > > TOS does not have dead key input, does it? I could imagine MiNT or some
> > alternative emulated OS providing it, but I don't have experience with it.
> TOS does not, but EmuTOS, MagiC and MinT have deadkey support. In EmuTOS, the french and greek tables make use of it.

The question about dead keys was mostly just curiosity, because they don't create any new problem here. SDL still relays the keypress from the host, and the emulated OS is providing the dead key mechanism. Now that I have a French mapping in my implementation, EmuTOS' dead key for ^ in French works perfectly well.

Do you have a scancode diagram for a Greek or Russian keyboard? Those were the two I saw supported by EmuTOS that were not included here:

-- Brad Smith

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