Re: [hatari-devel] Minus key is mapped to / in Hatari when using KEYMAP_SYMBOL

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On Samstag, 17. Februar 2024 22:12:10 CET Brad Smith wrote:

>With a set for each TOS, I feel that Hatari's symbolic input as a default >will work "pretty good" out of the box for most users, and we can do away >with having to require so many people to manually configure their mappings.

I'm not sure whether that will work reliable. EmuTOS and MiNT for example have much more different keyboard configurations than TOS, and in MiNT atleast you can even redefine those mappings because they are loaded from keyboard.tbl at runtime.

> TOS does not have dead key input, does it? I could imagine MiNT or some

> alternative emulated OS providing it, but I don't have experience with it.

TOS does not, but EmuTOS, MagiC and MinT have deadkey support. In EmuTOS, the french and greek tables make use of it.

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