Re: [hatari-devel] Re: GEMDOS drive a reset emulated system

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On Mon, 1 Jan 2024 at 15:26, Thomas Huth wrote:
> > Currently, when I change the folder assigned to GEMDOS Drive, Hatari
> > resets the emulated system. After each change I have to wait for the TOS
> > boot, which in the case of Falcon takes quite a long time.
> > Could this be changed and allow GEMDOS drive to be modified on the fly?

Maybe, but this likely could cause a lot of trouble, too - imagine that
there are programs around that have file handles opened or cached the
directory contents ... well, I guess it's possible to inform the programs
with the EMEDIA error code about a media change ... ?

nice idea.

> > Andother request is to add an additional (or more if possible) GEMDOS Drive.

You can already have multiple GEMDOS drives, please see the manual for
information how to set it up.

do you mean this?
" If you provide Hatari a directory containing only single letter (C-Z) subdirectories, each of these subdirectories will be treated as a separate partition, otherwise the given directory itself will be assigned to drive "C:". In the multiple partition case, the letters used as the subdirectory names will determine to which drives/partitions they're assigned. For example following directory setup: "

Ok, but it would be a nice to have a freedom with choosing a secondary folder especially when it is on a different physical media.


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