Re: [hatari-devel] Feature idea/question: primitive memory manager

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On Montag, 1. Januar 2024 15:42:25 CET Miro Kropáček wrote:

> if I, as a developer, see that 0x000005a0 is being accessed "illegally", I

> can safely ignore that warning and continue my work.

But 0x5a0 is only the jar pointer. The actually Jar may be anywhere. And in a lot of cases, it contains pointers to structures that point to some resident program.

And there are certainly other cases where a program legally accesses memory which does not belong to it (think of AV-protocoll etc), and where Hatari cannot track it. And when running mint, you could even have shared memory segments. Lots of things that would have to be tracked, and, most importantly, checked for every memory access. That will certainly slow down things considerably.

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