Re: [hatari-devel] savestate_fname in custom.c?

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Am Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:56:02 +0200
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi Thomas,
> You changed "savestate_fname" declaration in "custom.c" to fix LTO error.
> It seems to be declared already in "savestate.h".  Why "custom.c" is not 
> including that?
> (Or why "savestate_fname" is declared in "savestate.h" instead of in 
> "custom.h"?)

The savestate_fname line in savestate.h comes from WinUAE, so that's where
this extern declaration belongs to. The variable itself is declared in a
file called savestate.cpp - which we don't have in Hatari, so I assume it
has been added to custom.c to make it compile on the Hatari side without
the need to copy the full savestate.c file over.

Looking at the original custom.cpp in WinUAE, I can see that it also does
#include "savestate.h", so I think it's fine if we add that line to our
version in Hatari, too.


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