Re: [hatari-devel] from cirrus-ci

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> Am 18.12.2023 um 20:02 schrieb Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Am Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:00:52 +0100
> schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Yes, this should work too. But lower case application bundles are very uncommon on macOS and I think the same is true for Windows. These two operating system are used by more than 90 % of the people. Furthermore there is still some mess because you still have project(Hatari C), set(APP_NAME "Hatari") and in GUI and all documentation it is called Hatari and not hatari. That is a bit strange to me.
>> Anyway, functionally it should be OK. Maybe the unused constant APP_NAME should replace hatari so the application's name can be set to a proper value depending on the platform used.
> I like that idea, let's give it a try:
> Could you please check whether these artifacts now work better:
> (Note: I had to switch to arm64 builds only since compiling an universal
> binary png.framework did not work in the cirrus-CI)
> Thomas
As the others already did, I can confirm the new build works on macOS (14.2 on M1) without any issues. looks much more like a native macOS application. There were some worries that Mac users might want to use command line commands using the binary inside the application bundle. I just tried and on my system I can run upper case Hatari using lower case hatari calls on the command line. The file system of macOS is case insensitive by default. I think only very few people change this and these will be aware of potential issues arsing from that change.

I just tried compiling libpng from the command line and it indeed fails to compile a universal binary. Probably there is a bug in their CMakeLists.txt. Anyway I did successfully create one using Xcode. Maybe just use that one until they fix it. Should I send it to you? I think it is too early to drop support for Intel Macs. There are lots of them still around and running the latest OS.


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