Re: [hatari-devel] from cirrus-ci (was: Re: One scanline short in ST fullscreen)

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Am Sun, 10 Dec 2023 13:03:17 +0000
schrieb Troed Sångberg <troed@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to re-iterate that the signing certificate I have through my own company is available to use for Hatari. Yes we'll have to have some sort of agreement on who has access to it, but I'm not too worried about that within our community.
> Please do not hesitate to ask - the "only" thing I didn't want to continue doing was to run the VM for nightly builds and be responsible for packaging up new macOS releases since I do not use macOS myself anymore.

Thanks, but I think we'd need a volunteer with macOS server machine for
that. I don't think this will work with those cirrus-ci cloud machines, or
even if it would work, it sounds somewhat dangerous to me to upload your
certificates to a third party cloud machine that is not under direct
control of someone from the Hatari community... At least I don't want to be
responsible for that, since I cannot garantuee for the safety of those


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