Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAUE CPU |
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Le 21/11/2023 à 17:56, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 21/11/2023 à 04:09, J.Young a écrit :When tracing, the disassembler has a quirk on the instruction below: jsr (a0) You can see it doesn't show the address in a0.Like for other instructions such as this that shows the effective address:move.w (a0,$000e) == $00076fa0Is it possible to get a patch to allow the jsr (a0) to show the address also?Hi Would need to check later.Either it's a bit configuration to tell winuae what to show, or it's a limitation in winuae that doesn't show yet the address content for jsr or jmp
Hifrom what I see in the source for disasm, function m68k_disasm_2() is doing this job for some specific opcodes if flag DISASM_FLAG_EA is set : rts, rtr, rte, bsr, dbcc, bcc.
but not for jsr or jmp ; unlike above opcodes, jsr and jmp can have many different effective addresses, making it less straightforward than bsr or dbcc for example.
Toni, is there any reason jsr/jmp are not showing EA with " == $%08X" ? Is this on purpose to avoid some problem in the output text ?
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