Re: [hatari-devel] Tracing constraints

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On 11/21/23 12:00, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Dienstag, 21. November 2023 16:56:44 CET Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
detect changes in PC value and to ignore
(or not) all traces until the PC is back to just after what it was
before being changed.
Thats hardly possible. A bus-error for example is normally handled by TOS,
terminates the program and will never return. However if you have for example
some virtual memory manager installed, that eventually *will* return.

Similar for priviledge violation: normally that terminates the program.
However TOS handles a few cases for move from SR (which is only priviledged
for 68010+), which are emulated and then return to the program.

There might be other cases, were expections either terminate the program, or
do some emulation stuff and return, like FPU emulators.

The pc could be checked against the vector table to see if trap/exception/violation occurred.  If the program terminates, could stop tracing I guess.

Well for my use case, I am tracing fixed blocks of code for game reverse-engineering so it's quite a limited sandbox. Probably an after-trace parser will work best for that since a general-purpose algorithm in hatari seems too much overhead with possible ambiguous/non-resolvable situations.

I need the jmp/jsr (a0) to show the address though :).


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