Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAUE CPU

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On 11/21/23 11:56, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 21/11/2023 à 04:09, J.Young a écrit :
When tracing, the disassembler has a quirk on the instruction below:

jsr (a0)

You can see it doesn't show the address in a0.

Like for other instructions such as this that shows the effective address:
move.w (a0,$000e) == $00076fa0

Is it possible to get a patch to allow the jsr (a0) to show the address also?

Would need to check later.

Either it's a bit configuration to tell winuae what to show, or it's a limitation in winuae that doesn't show yet the address content for jsr or jmp


Ok, thank you for checking into it.

Just to note,  'jmp (a0)' has the same issue.  However with a register offset, it shows the effective address i.e. 'jmp (a0,d0.w,$00) == $0001588a'.

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