Re: [hatari-devel] Tracing constraints

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> Am 21.11.2023 um 18:00 schrieb Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Dienstag, 21. November 2023 16:56:44 CET Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
>> detect changes in PC value and to ignore
>> (or not) all traces until the PC is back to just after what it was
>> before being changed.
> Thats hardly possible. A bus-error for example is normally handled by TOS, 
> terminates the program and will never return. However if you have for example 
> some virtual memory manager installed, that eventually *will* return.
> Similar for priviledge violation: normally that terminates the program. 
> However TOS handles a few cases for move from SR (which is only priviledged 
> for 68010+), which are emulated and then return to the program.
> There might be other cases, were expections either terminate the program, or 
> do some emulation stuff and return, like FPU emulators.

Not sure how these things are handled on Atari. But probably it would be a solution to limit tracing to either instructions executed in supervisor mode or instructions executed in user mode. At least on NeXT this would lead to the desired result. 

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