Re: [hatari-devel] built-in midi emulation in Hatari using mt32emu ?

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On 20.9.2023 12.32, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 20/09/2023 à 11:24, Paweł Góralski a écrit :
Hi, i think that mt32 is nice, but it emulates specific pre GM hardware. So it would be cool to add support to GM too. But this mt32 emu will not provide. At least it would be good start. Some games sound better on mt32, some other on gm.

I'm not a midi specialist, but on wikipedia it says that GM was published in 1991, so I don't think many games expect to be played with GM devices, as most sierra games for example were released before that date ?

While some of the Atari midi using games and software is from before that time, all are not, and *especially* not the files they can play.

Idea is still interesting though.

Before that, I think Hatari's MIDI as MIDI-device vs. serial-device selection should be made into run-time, not build time one.

	- Eero

Dnia 20 września 2023 10:58:47 CEST, "Nicolas Pomarède" <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> napisał/a:


    Toni pointed me to
    <> for which he added support into
    WinUAE using 'mt32emu'

    This will emulate some midi devices (Roland) to get built in sound
    in WinUAE without using an external MIDI emulator, which can be
    handy for Sierra games for examples.

    Is that something that we could consider for Hatari ? This would
    give a default out of the box midi emulation for games that can use
    it, without the need to setup a complete midi chain on the PC/mac.

    Then user could still have the option to route midi events to an
    external file/port as we do today ?

    note : this might be after hatari 2.5 is released, not sure someone
    can work on this before


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