Re: [hatari-devel] built-in midi emulation in Hatari using mt32emu ?

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Yeah I think it's great. I've installed Munt on my RetroPie where I run the new libretro Hatari.


On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 10:58, Nicolas Pomarède <[npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx](mailto:On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 10:58, Nicolas Pomarède <<a href=)> wrote:

> Hi
> Toni pointed me to for which he added
> support into WinUAE using 'mt32emu'
> This will emulate some midi devices (Roland) to get built in sound in
> WinUAE without using an external MIDI emulator, which can be handy for
> Sierra games for examples.
> Is that something that we could consider for Hatari ? This would give a
> default out of the box midi emulation for games that can use it, without
> the need to setup a complete midi chain on the PC/mac.
> Then user could still have the option to route midi events to an
> external file/port as we do today ?
> note : this might be after hatari 2.5 is released, not sure someone can
> work on this before
> Nicolas

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