Re: [hatari-devel] New SCC 85C30 support for MegaSTE/TT/Falcon

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Le 15/09/2023 à 09:38, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

   - some regs at FF8C01-FF8C15 to handle dma transfer with SCC. Not
supported yet. Are there some TT programs that make use of this ?
(Emutos maybe ?)

EmuTOS does not use the SCC *DMA*. I've used it once (outside of EmuTOS,
to be clear) as a means of doing a reasonably fast memory dump after a
crash. But otherwise I don't know a program that would use the TT's SCC
DMA. I assume, Atari included this DMA capability mainly for the LAN
port, which itself saw little use, afaik.

Adding the code to handle DMA should not be that hard (as it mainly means to read SSC's RR8 to RAM or write RAM to WR8).

If you kept your program somewhere, it could be useful to validate the DMA+SCC is working.


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