Re: [hatari-devel] compiling with ahcc from Hatari and command line ?

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Le 12/09/2023 à 13:45, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Any idea how it could be changed ? Add a "minimal" sleep function that uses the vbl counter at $466 or maybe run test/serial with a tos != none ?

The whole point of FakeTOS is that we do not want extra dep and boot slowdown for our "make test" unit testing target.

=> I think the only option is to add minimal sleep function.

If "hz_200" counter ($4ba) does not require TOS to work, I think minimal sleep should be based on it instead of VBL counter, so that it's independent of VBL frequency.

unfortunatelly hz_200 requires TOS to work, or more precisely it requires a somewhat bigger setup of the MFP and using one timer, instead of using VBL to update $462, which is rather straightforward to setup.

So, I went with the VBL solution


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