Re: [hatari-devel] Sound lowpass filtering? |
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As stated, I do not have experience with STE or Falcon, and I also have found verifiable hardware recordings much more difficult to come by for these machines (especially Falcon), so I can't make any empirical argument about the PWMaliasFilter. I only suspect that it may have the same problem as the LowPassFilter, since it is structurally a very similar filter implementation.
-- Brad SmithOn Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 5:57 AM Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Le 01/09/2023 à 10:19, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> Le 01/09/2023 à 03:45, Brad Smith a écrit :
>> It's been a little bit frustrating that nobody has commented on the
>> sound recordings at all. Has anyone listened to them? Has anyone
>> analyzed them? Do you have subjective feelings about their quality as
>> I do? Do you think my evidence is wrong? Do you have recordings of
>> your own? Do you have an ST that sounds more like LowPassFilter? Has
>> anyone built my proposed changes and listened to them?
> Hi
> on my side, as I wrote on atari-forum, I was in holidays away from home
> with no correct speakers to do proper listening. Back home now, I will
> try to listen to your recording asap, but I have lot of "real" work at
> the moment, very few spare time, so please allow a little more delay :)
So, I had time to listen to your flac recordings. I must admit that for
the first part of the audio I don't hear that much difference/distortion.
But it's true that at +12 sec there're 7 separate notes where a
difference can be heard between the different files and hatari 2.4.1
sounds more distorted than 1040stf
Just a question regarding the recordings made with Hatari : for these 4
recordings, did you also apply the change to move the filter in
YM2149_NextSample_250() (as you describe in issue #1 of your PR) ?
In case I want to do recordings myself to compare with yours, I need to
have filter applied at the same point as you did.
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