Re: [hatari-devel] Sound lowpass filtering?

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Le 01/09/2023 à 03:45, Brad Smith a écrit :

It's been a little bit frustrating that nobody has commented on the sound recordings at all. Has anyone listened to them? Has anyone analyzed them? Do you have subjective feelings about their quality as I do? Do you think my evidence is wrong? Do you have recordings of your own? Do you have an ST that sounds more like LowPassFilter? Has anyone built my proposed changes and listened to them?


on my side, as I wrote on atari-forum, I was in holidays away from home with no correct speakers to do proper listening. Back home now, I will try to listen to your recording asap, but I have lot of "real" work at the moment, very few spare time, so please allow a little more delay :)

But I'm *really* interested in getting as much perfect emulated sound in Hatari as possible.

If you look at the sound emulation part, you can see that there were several big rewrites over time, using many custom programs that I ran on my STF to better understand how counters are updated in the YM2149 and what the effect of changing them "on the fly" (which as far as I know had never been properly measured/documented before in other emulators using YM2149)

Also I would not have rewritten everything again to get cycle "accurate" 250 kHz emulation if I was not interested to get as perfect sound as possible and support all effects used in recent maxymizer for example.

Now when it comes to filtering and its general theory I must admit that this is not my main field of expertise, so I'm more than happy to rely on other people who have better understanding of these models and how to emulate filtering in the best way possible.

In the end, it does of course matter that emulated audio sounds like real STF/STE audio and we need tyo be pragmatic about this, but it would be even more satisfying to have a theoretical model for the filter's parameters that can be built from looking at the STF's hardware components and give the same audio results.


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