Re: [hatari-devel] Sound lowpass filtering?

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On 1.9.2023 8.57, Troed Sångberg wrote:
------- Original Message -------
On Friday, September 1st, 2023 at 3:45 AM, Brad Smith <rainwarrior@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It's been a little bit frustrating that nobody has commented on the sound recordings at all. Has anyone listened to them? Has anyone analyzed them? Do you have subjective feelings about their quality as I do? Do you think my evidence is wrong? Do you have recordings of your own? Do you have an ST that sounds more like LowPassFilter? Has anyone built my proposed changes and listened to them?

Some of us simply don't have the speakers nor ears able to hear "better", just "different", I'm afraid :(

Ditto, although in my case hearing the difference may also be debatable, as I haven't really trained my ears. That's why I'm not doing anything audio ralated in Hatari...

> But I have listened, of course.
The best way to come to a conclusion, IMHO, would be to involve some scene musicians and YM aficionados.

	- Eero

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