Re: [hatari-devel] Max amount of GEMDOS HD file handles?

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Am Thu, 27 Jul 2023 21:06:09 +0300
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi Thomas,
> Why Hatari GEMDOS HD file handles are limited to max 32?
> (That limit has been there since you added Hatari code to CVS in 2001.)

That's code that has been taken from WinSTon ... I assume it's an arbitrary
value that was working for most programs at that point in time?

> I'm asking because I came across program needing more than 32 GEMDOS HD 
> handles.

Wow, which program was this? And do you know how many handles it needs?

> And because EmuTOS limit is 75 handles (+ 6 standard handles):
> Leaving 64 handles to TOS (same as now), and increasing GEMDOS handles 
> from 32 e.g. to 64 should be fine, right?

No clue, but I assume it should be ok as long as we keep the
maximum handle below 128, in case a badly written program tries to store the
handles in a signed byte only.


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