[hatari-devel] Joystick buttons config and sdl gui patches |
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Hi, Please find the attached patches. The first just adds the config as before, but with checks to allow for undefined buttons (with negative indexes). The second adds a "Remap joystick buttons" button to the sdl joystick dialog. This behaves like the existing "Define keys" button. The user is guided to press each of the 3 buttons, but can also press the ESC key for none (which results in a value of -1 being stored and the button being ignored). The dialog looks like this: -------------------------------- Press joystick button 1 or ESC for none... (was: id 3) -------------------------------- And then after pressing button 0 (but before releasing): -------------------------------- Press joystick button 1 or ESC for none... (now: id 0) -------------------------------- So as I said, basically consistent with how "Define keys" currently works. Does this look ok, and can the patches be included? Obviously happy to make any further tweaks or change the UI etc. I should probably have sent the proposal first, but I got carried away with the coding and wanted to figure out how the dialogs worked :-) Any feedback welcome! Cheers, Robin.
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Description: Binary data
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