Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari macOS builds - handover need?

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Am Thu, 20 Apr 2023 14:05:04 +0200
schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> > Am 20.04.2023 um 13:59 schrieb Chris Jenkins <cdpjenkins@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > 
> > 
> > I still have a Mac and would be willing to help out if I can. But I think Thomas's suggestion of publishing artefacts from the CI build is probably the best option.
> >   
> >> I think we could update the macOS CI job in the Cirrus-CI to publish the 
> >> built binary as CI artifacts there. However, these runners are arm64 only, 
> >> so I guess that means "good bye" for the x86 support? Or is XCode on ARM 
> >> still ablte to built binaries for x86, too?  
> > 
> > My understanding is that Xcode on Apple Silicon _can_ create x86 binaries (or universal binaries) no problem. See for example   
> >>   
> I can confirm that one can easily build arm64/x86_64 universal binaries on macOS running on Apple Silicon. I do this for Previous using a slightly modified (compared to Hatari) CMake script. It also works from the command line.

 Hi Andreas,

could you please provide the details here how to do it? ... I failed to
spot this in the Previous sources so far...


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