Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari macOS builds - handover need?

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On 20/04/2023 10.59, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 20/04/2023 à 08:59, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Hi all,

Yesterday I pulled the plug on my last macOS computer - I'm Linux only now. The build server for Hatari is still running (and can, for the foreseable future), but I will no longer be able to test & verify myself.

Thank you very much for your long support here!

BTW thomas, as you created an account for the travis / gitlab projects, would it be possible to integrate Troed's VM "parameters / scripts" and have a macOS target that would be similar to what Troed's VM is building ?

I think we could update the macOS CI job in the Cirrus-CI to publish the built binary as CI artifacts there. However, these runners are arm64 only, so I guess that means "good bye" for the x86 support? Or is XCode on ARM still ablte to built binaries for x86, too?

Anyway, Troed, could you please sent me the script that you used to compile and create the dmg images? That would be very helpful for extending the CI job...


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