Re: [hatari-devel] Possible problem with Pexec emulation

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On 18.11.2022 19.43, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Freitag, 18. November 2022 01:21:22 CET Eero Tamminen wrote:
If you use EmuTOS, harddisk image works as is,

Yes, but i need to test it with TOS 4.04, because with EmuTOS, everything
works ok. That means i have to install hd-driver first. Maybe someone has
already a working image and can do a quick check?

"zip2st" and Hatari support 2.88 MB (ED) floppies. Is Smurf larger than that?

Hatari web-page also provides ready made 80MB ACSI image:

What i noticed: smurf uses Pexec(3, filename, NULL, NULL) to load the modules.
That is, it passes NULL as cmdline. That parameter is not checked by TOS or
EmuTOS, and has the effect that the first few bytes from address 0 are copied
to the commandline. This alone does not crash, since that is executed inside
TOS, in supervisor-mode, but maybe TOS 4.x behaves differently there? Or maybe
Hatari does not expect that and generates a bus-error by itself?

	- Eero

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