Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari Windows 2.4.1 release and PortMidi?

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While we are at it, would you mind if i make a hatari binary for windows 
available with portmidi support, or do you plan to do that yourself?

I think i have all the dependencies now available locally, though there are 
some subtle differences:

- since i didn't have capsimage available yet, i compiled that from source. 
That worked, until some plain C file (floppy_ipf.c in this case) tried to 
include the header file. Reason is that the macro "ExtSub" from ComLib.h 
expands to "extern "C"" in the official sources, which of course does not work 
when not using cplusplus code. Are you using some fixed version of capsimage 
to build the binaries?

- Your archive does not contain libstdc++6.dll, and apparently it is not 
needed. In the version i compiled it is however referenced. Do you explicitcly 
link to the static version of that lib, or how is it that it is not referenced 
in your binary?

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