Re: [hatari-devel] ASAN issues with tests

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On 30.7.2022 11.16, Thomas Huth wrote:
Ok, I think I've got it now: The problem was that the ST program could have
changed the video base address again between the point in time we recorded
the VideoBase variable and the point in time the rendering was done in
screenConvert.c. So the code in screenConvert.c must not use
Video_GetScreenBaseAddr() but has to use the vide base address value that
was recorded earlier. I've committed a patch - that will hopefully fix this

You documented it as emulation fix, not emulator one.

I think Hatari crashes in general are emulator issues, but I also started to wonder what actually should happen in this case on real machine.

Will ST just ignore rest of video accesses going out of ST-RAM, or generate some kind of exception?

	- Eero

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