Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari freeze on XaAES quit with 030 MMU + FPU + cache emulation

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Le 29/07/2022 à 11:34, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Thomas' analysis of the hang on Hatari side:

"When the hang happens, it seems like the emulated code is looping through the whole cleared memory, only executing op_0000_35_ff() in cpuemu_35.c.

And this never seems to add any cycles anymore, thus Hatari completely hangs in the m68k_run_mmu030() loop, without ever generating an interrupt and thus not reacting to user input anymore."


this seems like a consequence of the bug to me, not its source : at one point, shtg goes wrong, maybe cpu jumps to a memory region containing only 0x00 and you get this loop.

Maybe another way to debug it :
 - can you save a memory state just before quitting XaAES
- then start hatari with this --memstate : can you reproduce the bug when starting from the memstate and quitting XaAES ?

If yes, then it should be possible to run the memstate, adding "--trace all,-int,-cpu_regs" for example until the bug appears. This will create a huge log file where we can see the context much before looping the op_0000_35_ff().

Also if the memstate creates the bug, I think I could load the same memstate and have a look at the traces if you send it to me.


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