Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari freeze on XaAES quit with 030 MMU + FPU + cache emulation

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Le 26/07/2022 à 17:17, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Can you try again to enable the 2 define's to see if any cache mismatch is reported ?

No, it does not report anything.

ok, so it might not be a cache issue (or it would be a weird one that would not be catched by the debug functions)

Hatari just freezes:
VDI 0x65/0x00 (v_clsvwk)
WARNING: xconout stack args not found by skipping return addresses, trying short skipping.
WARNING: xconout args not found from stack.

When I enabled cpu_symbols tracing for EmuTOS, in addition to tracing all OS calls, I saw something fairly weird in the log (attached).

It seems like EmuTOS would proceed after VDI close to panic, halt and reboot, and then continue booting, without *anything* being visible on Hatari screen, or xconout interception working.

Maybe the reason for CPU core freeze is some weird MMU setup done by EmuTOS v1.1.1 that had corrupted its state?

At the top of cpu/mmu_common.h, you can change all/some of these lines to "1" (depending on the number of logs you get which can be big)

#define MMUDEBUG 0

Then you can see if anything happens regarding MMU just before the freeze


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