Re: [hatari-devel] Overlong SDL-Syms on Manjaro Linux [solved]

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Hi Martin,

On 12.7.2022 13.37, Martin wrote:
Am 12.07.22 um 09:29 schrieb Thomas Huth:
Since it's only happening for ^ and ´ ... do you maybe have dead keys
enabled? What happens if you open a text editor and e.g. type ^ followed by an "o" ? Do you get ^o or do you get ô ? In the latter case, please try to
disable the dead keys in your keyboard settings and try again.

That's it.  :-/ I just did choose the "normal" German keyboard layout as ever, where I also can type in frensh accents and so on. But for this case it is counter productive.

I changed it in XFCE to "Deutsch ohne Akzenttasten" and now it works flowlessly.

Thanks for the help.

Background info: Currently I try to find a key mapping configuration for Hatari and EmuTOS, so that one can use a normal contemporary keyboard and all characters are mapped like available on the keyboard. This may not be of use for specific ST games, that just use the scancode, but maybe a good solution for all emulator users for TOS and GEM programs. Nobody wants to keep differing key mappings in mind, if not needed.

The great challenge may be, how to map AltGr key combinations, since this key is, at it seems, just known for the Milan and not for Atari machines with normal TOS. Keytbl (XBIOS) does not know of a modifyer key AltGr.

Maybe I could map AltGR to ST's Alternate and then use these combination for @{[]}\~ and |Better first i will get an overview, how "Alternate" normally is used on the ST.

AltGr is modifier for Hatari shortcuts, so you should not map it to Atari key, only normal ALT key. This is because same key combo doing something both in the emulator, and (partially) in the emulated machine, would just lead to grief.

FYI: scancodes that Hatari generates are based on what SDL provides (them and their keyboard locations are based on USB spec):

SDL scancodes do not support all characters marked on PC keyboard keys though, some of them are only available as symbolic ones, coming e.g. from dead-key key-combining. SDL symbolic key codes do not support all keys either though:

Hatari converts those then to Atari scancodes at similar locations on Atari keyboard.

TOS keymaps supported by different TOS versions are documented by Thorsten:

In general I think mapping host keys to Atari keys would belong to Hatari, but it's a bit more complicated there, as Hatari cannot just override TOS keytables like your program does.

(Hatari needs to find out the keyboard table currently in effect, and map scancodes to keys in the currently active one. My (very) WIP code does that based on the currently active country / language code.)

	- Eero

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