[hatari-devel] Overlong SDL-Syms on Manjaro Linux

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Hi. When running Hatari 2.4.0 (and before) with --trace keymap on Manjaro Linux with SDL 2.0.22, I get strange looking and overlong symbols on just two keys (German keyboard):

Below Esc and left of key "1": ^°-Key and

left from Backspace: '`-Key

On Windows with newest Hatari release I get completely sane symbols, but on Manjaro Linux I get:

key down: sym=1073741824 scan=46 mod=0x0 name=''
key map: sym=0x40000000 to ST-scan=0x0d
key up: sym=1073741824 scan=46 mod=0x0 name=''

key down: sym=1073741824 scan=53 mod=0x0 name=''
key map: sym=0x40000000 to ST-scan=0x0d
key up: sym=1073741824 scan=53 mod=0x0 name=''

Since I can make a key-mapping for Hatari just on the base of symbols, I'd like to get them going.

Could you be so kind to test/proof this on another Linux distribution to see, if it is a bug just in my distro?

Thanks in advance, Martin

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