Re: [hatari-devel] PSG_WaitState() inaccuracy |
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Le 09/07/2022 à 13:08, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Christian Zietz schrieb:But this is not a difference in *memory* timing but an inaccurate emulation of the *PSG* access timing. It just becomes more easily observable if code is run from outside of ST RAM.To underpin this point consider the attached program that can be run from ST-RAM in a stock ST (or STE) and will still show the inaccuracy: Hatari 680 ticks, real hardware 554 ticks. The sequence "CLR.L Dx; MOVE.B Dx,(A1)" where A1 is 0xFFFF8800 takes 16 cycles on real hardware: 6 for the CLR.L, 10 for the MOVE: 8 + 1 waitstate during PSG access + 1 waitstate for re-synchronization of the next (prefetch) access to ST-RAM.
Hiyes, it is known that the waitstates when accessing the YM2149 are not correct for all cases yet.
If you look at the start of psg.c you will see several examples that I used over the time to ensure timings were correct in CE mode.
At that time, I came to the conclusion that adding 1 cycle for each access was the correct solution, but later I changed it by adding 4 cycles and also checking if the same instruction is doing several access or not (because the way Hatari counted cycles then was not really suited to add 1 cycle at a time, which is not the case anymore)
I know memory access is not rounded to 4 from alt ram / cartridge, but I never tested access to YM from cartridge to see how it behaves (no HW for that on my side)
I already planned to go back to the "1 cycle waitstate" method, because it's how HW works, so with your test program I will also be able to check timings are correct from alt-ram / cartridge, which is a very good thing :)
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