Re: [hatari-devel] PSG_WaitState() inaccuracy

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Le 09/07/2022 à 13:08, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Christian Zietz schrieb:

But this is not a difference in *memory* timing but an inaccurate
emulation of the *PSG* access timing. It just becomes more easily
observable if code is run from outside of ST RAM.

To underpin this point consider the attached program that can be run
from ST-RAM in a stock ST (or STE) and will still show the inaccuracy:
Hatari 680 ticks, real hardware 554 ticks.

The sequence "CLR.L Dx; MOVE.B Dx,(A1)" where A1 is 0xFFFF8800 takes 16
cycles on real hardware: 6 for the CLR.L, 10 for the MOVE: 8 + 1
waitstate during PSG access + 1 waitstate for re-synchronization of the
next (prefetch) access to ST-RAM.


yes, it is known that the waitstates when accessing the YM2149 are not correct for all cases yet.

If you look at the start of psg.c you will see several examples that I used over the time to ensure timings were correct in CE mode.

At that time, I came to the conclusion that adding 1 cycle for each access was the correct solution, but later I changed it by adding 4 cycles and also checking if the same instruction is doing several access or not (because the way Hatari counted cycles then was not really suited to add 1 cycle at a time, which is not the case anymore)

I know memory access is not rounded to 4 from alt ram / cartridge, but I never tested access to YM from cartridge to see how it behaves (no HW for that on my side)

I already planned to go back to the "1 cycle waitstate" method, because it's how HW works, so with your test program I will also be able to check timings are correct from alt-ram / cartridge, which is a very good thing :)


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