Re: [hatari-devel] Setting TOS language / keyboard

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On 12.6.2022 16.43, Thomas Huth wrote:
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 4.6.2022 17.37, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Attached are patches to get NVRAM language default from LANG, and new
"--country" option to set country code for NVRAM-less machines +
appropriate documentation update.

Thomas, Nicolas, any comments, does it look clear enough based on the

Looks reasonable to me at a quick glance. The parsing of $LANG is likely a
little bit inprecise (looking at the output of "localedef --list-archive",

$ localedef --list-archive

there are also locales that use three letters instead of two, for example),
but I guess it will be enough for the common languages that are supported
by EmuTOS...?

I've pushed the LANG commit.

Matching names for languages supported by EmuTOS is enough. Not matching languages it does not know about, is not a problem. I assume there are no XX_LLL language names where first two LL would match EmuTOS supported language code.

Any comments on the "--country" option?

	- Eero

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