Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon tests

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I've retested Solonuminescentz with hatari 2.3.0 and the sound is really good.
The first part of the demo was already unsynchronized (no difference 
with the current version of hatari).

Le 06/06/2022 à 22:10, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Solonuminescentz runs too far (the music runs at the correct speed but the effets of the first part are running too fast. The rest of the demos seems to be synchronized.
The music seems to suffer the glichy bug, but it appears every minute 
of more insted of 10 seconds and it lasts a very short time (by 
comparaison with the other demos I tested).

Le 06/06/2022 à 22:00, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Beams demo suffers of bugs too.

The lyrics and the texts are unsynchronised.

And the music seems to glitch after ~10 seconds.

Maybe the problem is with demos that use the DSP for the music ?


Le 06/06/2022 à 21:56, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

I've tested again the demo 4musiK (Dune ;) with the latest version of the sources.
The music starts with a clear expected sound.

After ~10 seconds, the quality starts to  decrease and it becomes noisy and glitchy.
After a few more seconds, the sound starts again to become clear and 
And it repeats like this in loops.

My demo uses the DSP as the sound source for the crossbar.

Something to dig here maybe ?

I'll continue to check some demos tonight.



Le 06/06/2022 à 21:23, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 6.6.2022 19.29, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 05/06/2022 à 23:10, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
I found some code from a few years back;

I'm a noob about setting up the Falcon sound system but it does play 16 bit stereo 49170 Hz OK on my Falcon in 030 and 060 modes.
In Hatari it will get distorted sound that comes and goes.


thanks, that's just what I needed, it will be easier to fix/improve falcon sound with a "simple" program that just play sound and wait for a key.
One bug was fixed, related to the new CycInt code ; sound is now 
better, at least during 20 sec when using your falcsmp.tos test.
After that, it becomes noisy again, some bugs remain to be fixed :)
I can confirm that in the beginning the sound seems now OK.

In case of the "Brainstorm: Mouse" demo, sound loop is so short that one does not hear the issue any more.
In the other problematic demos one can still hear the issue after a 
while.  In Django "Red Drops" song probably soonest.

    - Eero

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