Re: [hatari-devel] Audio/video sync regression in dev-builds

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> For the 1st one, I can create the same wrong sync with devel version,
> but if I test with 2.3.1 too, then I also have the same bad sync around
> 8min.
> Do you confirm sync goes bad too with 2.3.1 ? If so, does it work better
> with hatari 2.2 or 2.1 ? (it's possible this drift between audio / video
> has always existed more or less and becomes noticable only with large
> video).
> In the end, it could be related to how fps is stored inside avi file and
> maybe there's a bad rounding (we have maybe 0.6 sec of shifting between
> audio and video after 8 min, which would be a 0.1 % error, not that much
> :( )


back in August I did the (what I think is correct) recording with 2.3.1. But just to be sure I re-did it now. And it works as expected, the sync is correct at the Pong part.  So I can't re-create bad sync with 2.3.1.
When I recorded the Youtube thing it was done with macOS 10.4 x64, and the test today with macOS 12 AARCH64 in Rosetta 2 mode (no AARCH64 binary available of 2.3.1).

> that's quite possibly related to the changes I made to support
> syncsquare sound (as in used in maxYMiser v1.53) as it can impact how
> many audio bytes are output, although it should be more precise than
> before, not the opposite :)

Does the syncsquare improvements also impact the STe PCM sound? The  (profanity) demo is PCM only, not YM.

Anders Eriksson

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