Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing for next release 2.4

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On 7.5.2022 10.11, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Fri, 6 May 2022 09:45:37 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
it's been (far) too long since latest 2.3.1 release ; on my side I did
not have enough spare time to complete some ongoing changes in the devel
version as fast as I wanted, but I think we have a stable base now and
we could do the next release.

Does someone need extra time to complete some work in devel version ?

Nobody's promised to look into fixing the serial port issue, and key mapping thing is too open to try to push it into 2.4.

But what I'm hoping to look into before release are:

* Debugging improvements stuff being discussed in threads here and at atari-forum

* authors.txt/thanks.txt update + this:

* Update & move Hatari UI docs to Hatari repo (as that site is going away):

* Check Python UI Debian patches and that install still work with them:

* Add support for relevant new Hatari options to Python UI, and make sure it works at least on Debian Stable, both with (Gnome) X & Wayland

- If somebody uses newer distro, it would be good if you could check Python UI on them (= new Gtk versions)

* Run TOS boot tester with several TOS versions

Above list was shorter, until I looked into few things listed in our release checklist:

Looking through other distros, I see that Mageia has added misleading project comment:

Any idea why OpenSUSE version is 3 years old 2.2.1:

There's nothing pending on my side right now.

For those that commited changes, please check that everything is
referencend in doc/release-notes.txt

As for the release date, I'd like to target in approx 2 weeks, around
20th of may.

I'm not sure whether I can complete above before that.

	- Eero

Sounds good, thanks!


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