Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari on constrained devices

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Le 16/01/2022 à 16:50, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

just on the method you used to measure speed difference , note that video output is not disabled, so you might get some video driver interfering with your test, adding some fixed delay, pause, sync or others. I would suggest to add "--disable-video 1" to really remove SDL's audio *and* video output, which will give a much better idea of what the emulation is really using , with as little SDL/OS interference as possible (also you can remove --fast-forward in that case and use the --benchmark option)

note : I missed you already use dummy as audio/video driver, so overhead might already be reduced, but using --disable-video 1 should be better anyway, as no SDL call will be made.

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