Re: [hatari-devel] TAT's debugger

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On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 5:56 PM Troed Sångberg <troed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 17:40, Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx> wrote
I definitely don't like the idea of having yet another way of
triggering the debugger (i.e. the ioMemTab*.c changes) ... we have
already two ways of triggering the debugger (natfeats and xbios), that
should be enough, shouldn't it?
Shall we deprecate one then? I've used the Xbios method and it's not exactly slick having to step through stack correction when it triggers.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'm all for any patches needed to support Tat in his venture. His debugger is such a useful contribution!


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