Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing hatari 2.3.1

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As I said before, I will have to take my time to fix the new clock interrupt into the DSP.

I've done the code and it seems to work, but I still don't have sound with lockup demo and I sometimes get some DSP stack underflow.

So for me, it's OK.

Le 19/12/2020 à 23:05, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 14/12/2020 à 22:49, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

apart from the issues that were recently fixed since 2.3.0 was released, are there any pending changes to include in Hatari 2.3.1 ?

I think it would be better to not wait too long after 2.3 to do a 2.3.1 release. Maybe 1 week or 2 max from now would be ok.

Time for an update on the progress : I read python ui should be fixed now wrt to the visibiliy/back screen problem.

What remains to be done ?

I'd like to release before end of next week, the sooner the better if we really want to do deeper change later.


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