Re: [hatari-devel] macOS : FPU using EmuTOS

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I still have my Falcon030, with 4Mb of RAM and a 250Mb IDE drive, and
a FPU ! After that I had a Hades060 with 40Mb of RAM. That was the
first Hades in France, in june 1996. I still have it.

After that in 2003, I discover earlier Mac OS X version (10.3) on PPC.
Since my first PowerMac dual-G4, I always had Macintosh. I never had PC.

Nowadays nobody will still buy PC, because it's slow. ARM is fast !

Cyprian Konador writes:
I bought my Falcon in '95. It was equipped with FPU, 4MB RAM and 65MB HDD.


Francois LE COAT wrote:
    Vincent Rivière writes:
     > Eero Tamminen wrote:
     >> Real Falcon machines don't have FPU, so Hatari
     >> doesn't enable it by default for Falcon either.
     > Er... I recently read somewhere in FreeMiNT's GitHub that FPU-less
     > Falcon were very rare, not the main case. Someone must be wrong.
     > NB: Personally, I have very low knowledge about Falcon. So I have no
     > clue of who is right.

    I asked for my Falcon030 when I bought it in 1993, that it is
    equipped with a 68882. The Eureka 2.12 software that I developed
    with it, takes advantage of 68030+FPU. I know a few software like
    that : for example Euler, Fractals, Inshape III, POV-Ray etc.

    ARAnyM that looks very close to a Falcon enables the FPU.
    I think Hatari should enable FPU for Falcon, but it doesn't ...

Best regards,

François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeler)

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