[hatari-devel] compilation fail |
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hi, To compile Hatari, I take the sources for 2.2.1 from git. In the already compiled version that I downloaded I get SDL2.framwork, CAPSImage.framework, libpng16.16.dylib, libportaudio.2.dylib, libportmidi.dylib and tos.img. I put the 2 frameworks in / Library / Frameworks then I run the commands: ~ % cd /Users/msaro/Desktop/hatari-2.2.1 hatari-2.2.1 % cmake -G Xcode I get an Xcode project that I modify and complete so that the frameworks and dylibs will be taken from the final Bundle as Bob told me. I run the compilation and I get: ![]() am I making a mistake or is there a problem with the sources? Regards Miguel M et Y Saro Méaudre: 04 76 94 79 32 Seyssinet: 04 76 21 61 02 Fax: 09 57 91 16 20 http://locations.vercors.free.fr/ |
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