Re: [hatari-devel] Small bug in Hatari Falcon emulation

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Le 25/11/2020 à 11:08, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

So in conclusion, the reads to non-existing ST-RAM
areas give seemingly random data.

Could you send results from scanning the memory
with byte & word widths?  I could try generating
some word/byte/nibble value histograms out of it
to see whether there are any patterns, either as
a whole, or in relation to the address.

(If there are, those would need to be verified
then with data from some other Falcon.)


see my other mail, I think that's useless.

on STF/STE the pattern depends on what was last seen on the bus for the latest memory access. So most of the time it will be some bits from the current 680x0 opcode used to run the current program.

As roger told that value is not always 0xff it's very likely to be bus based, so you won't find any pattern.


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